
Rise vs raise

Tanto raise /'reɪz/ como rise /'raɪz/ significan subir, elevar, incrementar... Sin embargo tienen algunas diferencias:

  • Su pronunciación es similar pero no idéntica (observa la transcipción fonética):

    raise /'reɪz/
    rise /'raɪz/
  • Raise es un verbo regular, por tanto el pasado se forma añadiendo -ed.

    He raised his head when he heard his name.
  • Rise es un verbo irregular: rise, rose, risen.

    Her voice rose when she heard the news.
    Salaries have risen little more than inflation.
  • Raise es un verbo transitivo (lleva un objeto) → raise something.

    She raises her voice when she gets angry
    Raise your hand if you have a question
  • Rise es un verbo intransitivo (no lleva objeto) → something rises.

    Prices have risen lately.
    When the snow melts, the river often rises.

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