There are some words that are frequently used, and sometimes we realize that we have written them several times in our documents. The first step to avoid repeating a word is to think of the context, pay attention to nuances and choose a more precise word.
These are some of these words:
- Individuals, men and women, human beings, humankind
- citizens, the public
- subjects, residents, inhabitants
- people in the streets: passers-by
- people travelling: passengers, commuters
- Objects, articles, items, goods, stuff
- belongings, possessions
- things on your mind: concerns, matters, worries, preoccupations, ideas, notions
- things somebody said: remarks, statements, comments
- matters, affairs, circumstances, conditions
- excellent, great, awesome, terrific, fantastic, amazing, wonderful
- satisfactory, acceptable, adequate
- fine, of high quality, of high standard
- appropriate, fitting, apt, suitable, convenient
- right, correct, proper, decorous, seemly
- superb, outstanding, magnificent, first-class
- good person: virtuous, righteous, law-abiding
- awful, terrible, horrible, atrocious, abysmal, dreadful, abominable, frightful
- harmful, damaging, detrimental, undesirable
- unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome, unfortunate