
Would rather - I'd prefer

I'd prefer to do sth rather than do

I'd rather do sth than (do) sth else

I'd prefer to make the beds rather than clean the windows

I'd rather make beds than clean the windows


I prefer chocolate to fruit → Present simple

I prefer going shopping to working → Prefer + gerund + to + gerund /noun

I prefer to go shopping rather than work → Prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive


Prefer, Would Rather, Had Better


Prefer + noun / -ing + to + noun / -ing Expressing general preference
  • I prefer biology to history
  • prefer reading English text to speaking in English /li>
Would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive Expressing specific preference (on this occasion)   I'd prefer to have the lesson on Monday rather than [have it ] on Tuesday
Would rather + sb + past simple /continuous Expressing general or specific preference about someone else  I'd rather you didn't sit next to Brian
 Had better + bare infinitive Giving advice  You'd better ask your parents if you 
 Would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive  Expressing general or specific preference  I'd rather have the lesson on Monday than [have it] on Tuesday


  • When the subject of would rather is also the subject of the following verb ⇒ I'd rather + Present bare infinitive (present /future)  / Present bare infinitive ( past reference)

I'd rather go to the shops tomorrow

I'd rather not have gone yesterday

  • When the subject of would rather is different from subject of the following verb ⇒ I'd rather sb + past simple (present /future reference) /past perfect (past reference)

I'd rather you studied a little more

I'd rather you had passed your driving test

  • Prefer + gerund /noun + to + gerund / noun

I prefer watching TV to going to the cinema

  • Prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out

  • Would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive

I'd prefer to write to him rather than call him

  • Would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive

I'd rather buy a new dress than have this one taken in